T.E.A.M. Tuesday Articles
Stop Showcasing What You Do -Start Highlighting Why You Do It
By Justin Simmons - Jul 18, 2023
While passing through the aisles at a local market, we have all overheard plenty of conversations without any intention of doing so. From outbursts of reuniting to casual catching up, people love to divulge their latest affairs in public. We have surely been contributors to these types of conversations as well but what messages were we sending and who may have been within earshot at those times? We should always be mindful of our surroundings when divulging personal information, after all, privacy is increasingly more challenging to maintain these days.
Removing the security element from our personal information for this discussion, I’d like to key into another very important topic we should be mindful of when delivering our message (in public or in private), which is: when interacting with others, how do we portray our narrative? The purpose behind anything we do is our most compelling storyline. Our actions will speak for themselves; rarely are elaborate details on what we do necessary (perhaps for reporting or documenting purposes). So when speaking with others and conveying proud messaging, consider communicating less on what you're doing and more about why you’re doing it.
Communicating in this manner may feel uncomfortable, or even more personal than we wish to engage. Using discretion in these moments is imperative but be sure not to dismiss a willingness to convey purpose, due to a lack of practice in doing so. Simply stated, we may not be capable of articulating this type of message without more attention to such detail. When boiling down daily interactions, we find the topics discussed are typically based on measurement: what was or will be accomplished. Rarely do we invest the time in one another (speaking or listening) required for divulging the purpose behind such accomplishments. Therefore, our purpose is often dismissed as inconsequential or left to the perceptions of others. It’s no wonder why we ourselves may not be inclined to consider the true reasoning behind our actions as we play into the daily measurement of a to-do list.
Taking the time to consider our purpose is essential to understanding our actions. In doing so we can begin to formulate a cohesive message to communicate with others. This is where biology will step in and prove the value we gain by understanding our goals. We want to associate with people who believe in why we do things, not just what we do. The brain utilizes two main sections to help us accomplish this mission: the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system.
The prefrontal cortex in adults is what provides rational and logical thought. Where the prefrontal cortex may still be developing in teens, they might rely on the amygdala to make such decisions (Decades for Development for more on this topic). The limbic portion of the brain is what controls our behavioral and emotional responses. Both sections respond intuitively to like-minded individuals. We become aligned with those who share similar interests in logical and emotional endeavors, especially with those who have an invested interest in similar subject matter.
Both personal and professional relationships will want to align with those who share a common bond. As we transition our narrative to highlight our sense of purpose, we become stronger communicators and trusted partners to all attentive parties. This ability to identify our purpose must start within ourselves and will develop through our comprehension of why we wish to accomplish anything.
The brain has its own call to action each day which is simply a message to sustain our way of life. All messages beyond this point come through the narrations we choose. Self-awareness will help us to better recognize our passions and find those to whom we relate best. Relatability often lies within an ability to think similarly. To affirm our position in why we do things, we must understand our goals and decide whom we wish to share them with. From there, all that remains is a willingness to communicate our message clearly. Are you ready to discover the power of your mindset?